20 Simple Food Swaps To Feel More Energized This Summer | Healthy Food Hacks
A few small changes to your plate can make all the difference between feeling drowsy or full of energy!
Le’s go over 20 healthy and tasty food swaps to help you stay fit and energized this summer.
Healthy Food Swaps
A few small, healthy swaps to your diet can have a big impact on how you feel. Here are some easy and tasty food swaps that you can make to your plate to feel more energized and live healthier.
Swap Gummies for Dried Fruit
Try swapping gummies for dried fruit like pineapple, cranberries, or dates. These are so sweet and chewy, and you can feel good about eating them because they have no artificial coloring.
Swap Sports Drink for Coconut Water
Instead of sports drinks, try coconut water. It’s filled with electrolytes, naturally sweetened, and so refreshing after a good workout.
Swap Parmesan Cheese for Nutritional Yeast
Try swapping out your Parmesan cheese for some nutritional yeast. It’s an unaccented yeast that tastes very cheesy and tastes amazing sprinkled on top of your pasta.